BMRE 2026
East Dorset N Gauge Group

Layouts Ins and Outs N Gauge

Owner – Stuart Farmer (Member of the East Dorset N gauge society)

Operators – 2/3

Size – 8ft x 3ft

Controller – DC and DCC

“Ins and Outs” is an N Gauge layout that was originally built by the Romford MRC in 2001.

Stuart Farmer acquired the layout in 2015 and since then, he has set about expanding and renovating the layout to bring it back to exhibition standards.

Ins and Outs is a great example of that you can fit into a very small space, with it being only 8ft x 3ft layout. It has two interwoven figures of 8 with two stations.

The rolling stock showcases a variety of both new and old, with even the odd visit from someone blue! (Thomas the Tank Engine).

Watch out for the house fire, and can you find the lonely chicken?

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