BMRE 2026
East Dorset N Gauge Group

BMRE on-site Traders

 All traders are subject to confirmation nearer the exhibition

EDNGG Sales Table

The East Dorset N gauge group will have our sales table, selling all things n gauge.

MERG Model Railway electronics

Website – MERG

MERG (Model Electronic Railway Group) is an international, UK based society for people interested in the application of electronics and computing to all aspects of railway modelling.

Our aim is to enhance enjoyment of railway modelling by the development and use of electronics and computing to assist control and operation of our layouts.

To achieve this aim we publish a regular Journal with all previous issues archived in the online library. We also have an active online forum and extensive knowledgebase (wiki) including video tutorials. We also make available to members an extensive range of electronic kits ranging from the simple to the sophisticated, all developed and produced by members for members. Our area groups and special interest groups provide opportunities for face to face and Zoom meetings for social interaction and mutual assistance.
Further information on all these aspects of MERG activity is available on other sections of this page and in more detail on the linked pages. Feel free to browse and if you like what you see join us.

Jake Waller Model Railways

Website – None

Facebook – Jake Waller model Railways.

Jake sells a good mix of 00 and n gauge. Jake is a specialist in American N rolling stock.

Wheels Of Southsea

Wheels of Southsea are Model Railway Scenery and accessories specialist suppliers.

Plus Daughters

Website –

Facebook – Plus Daughters

Plus daughters will be the biggest N gauge sellers of rolling stock at the BMRE this year. New and Second hand rollingstock plus accessories. Jade will be on hand to help with your N gauge needs.

T & R Models

Website – None

Facebook – None

Tim Mainly sells preloved OO gauge model railway with a small selection of other gauges. Tim is a cash only trader, no card payments.

Railway Scenics

Website –

After finding it hard to buy electrical items for my own layout at a reasonable price, the direction of the business changed, and we now have an enviable reputation for supplying a range of electrical and other modelling products at a fair price.  The new look website now lists over 3,750 product lines, most of which are sourced from some of the best UK suppliers, with many products being manufactured here in the UK. Downloadable kits and texture sheets are also available. 

John Sutton Models

Website – www.johnsuttonbooksand

Facebook – John Sutton Books and Models

John sells Railway books new and Second hand, Good selection of pre-loved N and 00 gauge rollingstock. Worth checking out Johns website if you would like him to bring anything with him.

Jills Trains

Website – No website

Facebook – Jills Trains

All things model trains in stock from Hornby, Bachmann, Peco, Oxford Rail, Kato Triang and many more for the OO9, N, OO, HO and O Gauge hobbyists.

Ray Heard

Website – No website or social media

Supplier of all Gauges of Locomotives and Rolling Stock from N to O gauge, Ray always has a huge selection of 00 rolling stock from steam to modern, also a buyer of model railway collections. Specialist in kit and hand built Locomotives.

East dorset N Gauge Group

Information & Club Stand

Have a chat to members at our sales table or on the clubs layouts, maybe even pick up a railway bargain or find that item you never knew you wanted.

All items are surplus to the club's or individual members current requirements. Any locos are normally tested and in running order unless stated.

Further information will be available in our Show Guide available on the door.

get involved

Trader enquiry form

ALL stands are a nominally 7ft deep but with a minimum of 6ft depth unless indicated.

It is up to the trader how they set their stall out at the exhibition; the only conditions are they do NOT extend forward of the "gangway" marking or outside of their allocated space. Any additional space will be charged for and payment will be expected on presentation of such an invoice. (Unless agreed with the Exhibition Manager IN ADVANCE of the exhibition opening)

All payments must be made by the 31st December 2024

Area Required*
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